$1,000,000: Bitcoin Price Prediction by Jack Dorsey ↑

Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter and co-founder of the company, has made bold predictions for the future of Bitcoin. He is firmly convinced that the price of Bitcoin will soar to a whopping 1 million US dollars by the year 2030. But that's not all: Dorsey predicts that even after that, there is still enormous potential for further increases.

In a recently conducted interview with Mike Solana for Pirate Wires, Dorsey expressed extreme confidence in the long-term development of Bitcoin. He emphasized that his forecast of a price increase to 1 million US dollars by 2030 is by no means the end, but rather the beginning of potentially even more impressive upward trends.

The Potential Behind Bitcoin

Dorsey, who is now CEO of the crypto payment service provider Block, highlighted that the real value of Bitcoin lies not only in its price. Rather, it is the underlying incentive system that motivates people to collaborate and strengthen the entire ecosystem. He stressed that everyone who works with or invests in Bitcoin contributes to improving the system, which in turn leads to further price increases.

"Through this dynamic, the entire ecosystem is strengthened, which in my opinion is more important than the price itself," Dorsey said. "It's a great movement that weighs much more than anything else, and I have learned a lot from it."

Dorsey also provided interesting insights into his departure from BlueSky, a decentralized social network that he co-founded in 2019. His confidence in the future of Bitcoin is reflected not only in his predictions, but also in his commitment to the development and dissemination of cryptocurrencies.

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